
Monday, October 19, 2015

Content Connections: What's Next?

Our Content Connections documents are done! Thank you for all your work on these important Educator Effectiveness support materials this year.

What are the Content Connections documents?

These documents demonstrate how the Educator Effectiveness Standards can be realized in the school library. They contain information to help you discuss your role as a teacher librarian and to clarify your goals for the library.

Content Connections: Elementary
Content Connections: Secondary

How were the Content Connections documents developed?

The Content Connections documents were first drafted by the Library Advisory Council (LAC) in February 2015. For the following six months, teacher librarians had several opportunities to review them and provide feedback. The final documents were submitted to HR and the Office of Professional Development in September 2015.

While these documents are not yet posted on the Educator Effectiveness site, Mary Jo Bode, Director of Professional Learning, has given us the go-ahead to use the Google Drive versions. Please share them with your principal to use during evaluations.

We appreciate all your help and diligence in preparing this import component of Educator Effectiveness.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nannette and Amy,

    Just watched the first LIBinar on standards. Very helpful! Would you happen to have any more info on the old LMS from last year? It was a great resource to find standards across grade levels. I've heard it will be imbeded into Schoology.

    Also where do I go to access the slide presentation, love to get to some of those links.
